Falahuddin, An'im,51905120005 and Rozi, Syaikhu, 0716018307 and Syarif, Muhammad, 0712127308 (2023) ANALISIS PSIKOLOGI SUFISTIK DAMPAK PEMBIASAAN SHOLAT DHUHA KELILING BAGI PENGEMBANGAN AKHLAK SISWA (STUDI DI MTS RIYADLOTUL UQUL). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Islam Majapahit.

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Studi ini berangkat dari observasi penulis terhadap suatu kegiatan Sholat Dhuha yang tidak di temukan di MTs lain di Mojokerto. Kegiatan tersebut yakni Sholat Dhuha yang dilakukan secara keliling di masjid-masjid sekitar lingkungan sekolah. Sholat Dhuha keliling ini diduga memiliki manfaat rohaniah yang perlu digali, maka studi ini berjudul “Analisis Psikologi Sufistik Dampak Pembiasaan Sholat Dhuha Keliling Bagi Penanaman Akhlak Siswa”. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada: (1) untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Sholat Dhuha keliling di MTs Riyadlotul Uqul. (2) Untuk mengetahui manfaat sholat Dhuha keliling terhadap penanaman akhlak siswa ditinjau dari psikologi sufistik. Tempat penelitian ini dilakukan di MTs Riyadlotul Uqul Mojokerto dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi, serta dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul dari ketiga metode tersebut kemudian periksa keabsahan datanya dengan uji kredibilitas. Pelaksanaan pengecekan kredibilitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan keabsahannya data dianalisis dengan cara: (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, (3) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa Sholaat Dhuha keliling adalah kegiatan Sholat Dhuha yang dilakukn keliling di masjid lingkungan sekolah, kegiatan ini dilakukan setiap pada hari sabtu pukul 06:15 – 09:30 WIB. Dalam perspektif psikologi sufistik, kegiatan sholat Dhuha keliling merupakan bentuk latihan-latihan rohani atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah Riyadhah, yakni latihan kejiwaan melalui upaya membiasakan diri agar tidak melakukan hal hal yang dapat mengotori jiwa dan hati. Manfaat dari Sholat Dhuha keliling ini bagi penanaman akhlak jika ditinjau dari Pskilogi- Sufistik diantaranya (1) Melatih kesadaran hati (2) Menanamkan Dzikir (3) Meningkatkan kesadaran alam (4) Melatih kedisiplinan. Kata Kunci: Psikologi, Sufistik, Penanaman, Akhlak, Sholat Dhuha Keliling This study departs from the author's observation of a Dhuha prayer activity which is not found in other MTs in Mojokerto. The activity is Dhuha Prayer which is carried out around the mosques around the school environment. The mobile Dhuha prayer is suspected to have spiritual benefits that need to be explored, so this study is entitled "Analysis of Sufistic Psychology Impact of the Habituation of Mobile Dhuha Prayer for the Development of Student Morals". The aims of this study were focused on: (1) to find out the implementation of the Dhuha prayer around at MTs Riyadlotul Uqul. (2) To find out the benefits of traveling Dhuha prayers on instilling student morals in terms of Sufistic psychology. The location of this research was conducted at MTs Riyadlotul Uqul Mojokerto using a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection methods used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data collected from the three methods is then checked for the validity of the data with a credibility test. Implementation of checking the credibility of the data using triangulation techniques. After checking the validity of the data were analyzed by: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, (3) drawing conclusions. The results of this study can be seen that the Dhuha Prayer around is a Dhuha Prayer activity that is carried out around the school environment mosque, this activity is carried out every Saturday at 06:15 - 09:30 WIB. In the perspective of Sufistic psychology, the Dhuha prayer activities are a form of spiritual exercises or better known as Riyadah, namely psychological training through efforts to get used to not doing things that can pollute the soul and heart. The benefits of this Dhuha Prayer around for the inculcation of morals when viewed from a Psychological-Sufistic perspective include (1) Practicing heart awareness (2) Instilling Dhikr (3) Increasing awareness of nature (4) Practicing discipline. Keywords: Psychology, Sufism, Planting, Morals, Dhuha Prayers Around

Item Type: Skripsi/Thesis (Bachelor)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Psikologi,sufistik, penanaman akhlak, sholat dhuha
Subjects: 0 Majapahit Islamic University Subject Areas > Fakultas Agama Islam > Pendidikan Agama Islam
Divisions: Faculty of Islamic Studies > Islam Religion Education
Depositing User: Falahuddin An'im
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2023 02:16
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2023 02:16

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